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Pentawards is the world's first and leading packaging design competition, founded in 2007. We are committed to recognising excellence in design, providing a source of inspiration and connecting the global packaging community....

The Oscars 2021 | 93rd Academy
Get the latest news about the 2021 Oscars, including nominations, winners, predictions and red carpet fashion at 93rd Academy Awards Oscar.com....

上海赫哲真空设备有限公司是优质的“Stokes真空油,爱德华真空油,fomblin真空泵油,爱德华真空泵,Edwards真空泵”供应商,主要经营产品有:爱德华真空泵,爱德华真空油,Edwards真空泵,fomblin真空泵油,Stokes真空油,真空泵油,真空泵维修,真空波纹管! 联系电话:...



DFA Awards
In 2003, the Hong Kong Design Centre has launched the DFA Awards to underpin the role of designers in society, to celebrate design leadership and exemplary designs and projects with commercial success or impact in Asia, as well as to recognise the ri...

Visit Edwards main site
Edwards is a leading developer and manufacturer of sophisticated vacuum products, abatement solutions and related value-added services. Our products are integral to manufacturing processes for semiconductors, flat panel displays, LEDs and solar cells...


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