描述: |
中国国际线缆及线材展(wire China)由上海电缆研究所和杜塞尔多夫展览(中国)有限公司主办,已发展成为亚洲最大的线缆行业专业展览,展出面积、参展商数逐年显著增长,
China-International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair (wire China) is jointly organized by Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute and Messe Duesseldorf China Ltd. Reputed as the No.1 wire and tube event in Asia,wire China has been witnessed continuous growth of its exhibition area, exhibitors for years(线缆展, 电线电缆展, 国际线缆线材展, 线材展, 電線, 電纜, 光纤, 光缆, 线缆设备, 拉丝机, 绞线机, 成缆机, 机电, 电力, 电线, 电缆, 铜, 铝, 橡胶, 高分子材料, 有色金属, 聚乙烯, 原辅材料, 漆包线, 塑料, PVC, PE, XLPE Cable, wire, cable, optical cable, manufacturing) |